"Playing with Stripes" by Heather Pennie

"Playing with Stripes" by Heather Pennie

"Playing with Stripes" by Heather Pennie

I have decided that I really need to up my activewear game.  I tend to make functional (read boring) activewear, and I'm not really sure why.  It will be WAY more fun to exercise with some eye-catching fabrics and designs.   So, when I saw this metallic stripe activewear at Elliott Berman Textiles, I knew it would be my first project for looking good while working out.   STRIPE TEXTURE METALLIC ACTIVEWEAR KNIT. FRANCE I needed a dolman sleeve funnel neck top pattern for creating my vision.  I decided to go with the Petite Stitchery Arlo top/dress pattern.  This pattern...

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