About Elliott Berman Textiles and Our Team

Elliott Berman Textiles is an exclusive importer of high-end fashion textiles from Italy and France. Our team combines knowledge and expertise of textile and fashion merchandising, marketing and trading of over 50 years. We specialize in printed and novelty fabrics, doing business with near 20 different French and Italian world-known textile mills. Our extensive collection offers a variety of jersey knit, cotton, viscose, silk, linen, jacquard, wool and cashmere with emphasis on current and upcoming fashion trends.

We proudly stand behind our product, stating that our textiles are sustainably and ethically produced at textile mills in Europe. We support sustainable fashion and keep high standards of corporate sustainability as well. If you look forward to joining or are already a part of sustainable fashion, you can undoubtedly rely on our collection and our team providing superior customer service. 

Shopping at Elliott Berman Textiles, you find more than just a source of high-end fabrics; we provide access to invaluable knowledge of textiles and the fashion industry. 

***Wholesale buyers are encouraged to contact our wholesale department directly by phone at (800) 609-6072 or via email at info@ermanigroup.com with the subject line "Wholesale Account." Our team of textile and fashion experts is dedicated to assisting you and addressing any inquiries you may have.

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