ANGELA K - Brand Ambassador for Elliott Berman Textiles


SOCIAL MEDIA: @_angela_elia_

Angela started to sew in 2020. The reason being was often she couldn’t find classic styles, she liked natural high-quality fabrics, or they would be very expensive.
Having really high standards for materials she uses, quickly after she just started sewing and started searching for premium fabric shops online. EBT was the first one to pop up in her search and she has been a customer ever since.

Being a quick learner and a lover of a good challenge, she began sewing advanced garments pretty soon after she started as well. A few years into her sewing journey she realized she really loves tailoring and working with fabrics that hold shape. It makes her feel like a sculptor. Sewing made her really appreciate a creative aspect of garment-making as well as seeing the whole world of fashion as an art of creative self-expression. When she doesn’t sew she enjoys watching documentaries and reading books about fashion history as well as visiting fashion-related exhibitions.



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