

1. Make your selection of desired fabrics ready.

2. Placing an order, keep in mind that our fabrics during the Grand Sale fly out with the speed of light so some of them might turn out to be no longer available as about 10 people place order simultaneously.

3. Keep a selection of fabrics in case you need to replace some unavailable items.

4. If you need fractions on the yardage (e.g. 1-1/2, 3/4, etc), remember, that the website is not set up for this. You can always round up the yardage you need to the next whole number (e.g. 1-1/2 yards must be entered as 2 yards) and in the comment box leave a note of how many yards you need exactly.

5. Always remember to complete the payment transaction if you pay via Pay Pal, make sure you receive a confirmation number, otherwise the order is automatically goes into pending list.

6. If there is any refund to be made to your account, no worries as we keep the tracks of everything, but always feel free to remind us during this Grand Sale.

7. As far as the International Orders are concerned, please, note we usually ship via USPS Mail International (least expensive). Depending on the weight, packages can be shipped as:

- First Class Mail International (4lb or below) - $16.75 - $38.95 (6-10 Business days)

- Priority Mail International (above 4lb) - $58.50 and up

***Canada receives lowers shipping cost on the above types of shipping.

8. All swatch requests included into the orders will be processed separately after the Grand Sale is over.


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