“Faux Wrap Summer Dress” by Kathy King

Celebrating summer in Inverness, Scotland, Kathy King's dress is perfect for variable temperatures. Just throw on the go-with-everything denim jacket, and she's ready to transition from day to evening. This gorgeous viscose crepe de chine from Italy (@EBTfabrics) showcases lovely Asian motifs in one of her favorite color combinations of blue and yellow on a white background.

PATTERN: Kathy King selected Simplicity 9352 View B, offering a faux wrap style dress that is figure-flattering for everyone. For summer fun, she decided to go sleeveless and drafted a facing for the armhole. For the closure of the faux wrap, she chose a gold button that is lightweight, ensuring it wouldn't drag down the silhouette.

KKSEWING TIP: She used an elastic hair band for the loop, considering it a clever idea when closures are involved.



PATTERN ALTERATIONSFor all garments, a high round adjustment is made at the neckline on the back pattern pieces to ensure that each garment hangs properly, rather than pulling towards the back. The waistline is also adjusted to align with the wearer’s waistline, ensuring that the wrap and closure are positioned correctly. Additionally, length adjustments are made, as the wearer is 6'1", with the hemline chosen to hit just below the knee for a universally flattering look.



KKSEWING TIP: This fabric wrinkled a bit when washed (presses beautifully) and can “wiggle” a bit when laying out for cutting. She found it very helpful to use blue tape along the selvage to anchor one side of the fabric to my cutting table. And whenever a fabric likes to “wiggle” she give in and cut in a single layer to improve accuracy of each piece.

KKSEWING TIP: Because this fabric is fluid, she lightly starched each edge before pinning and sewing a seam. This helped her install the hidden zipper without any difficulty. Additionally, a foot for your sewing machine designed specifically for invisible zippers is wonderful. After a practice session with this foot, you’ll be good to go.

Happy Sewing, Kathy



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