"Viscose Lycra Knit T-shirt" by Kathy King

What fun to be able to break away from winter and enjoy some ocean views and sunshine. I really enjoyed making and wearing a colorful V-neck tee using this fabulous tropical print viscose and lycra jersey knit from Italy available at Elliott Berman Textiles (@EBTfabrics). This fabric washes beautifully, is easy to work with and is so flattering to wear.




I used The Perfect T-Shirt pattern from Pamela’s Patterns. I’ve made variations of this pattern many times and must agree, it’s perfect! You have optional necklines, hemlines and sleeve lengths from which to choose. For this winter tee, I wanted ¾-length sleeves and a V-neck. Yes, the tee is a simple garment and every clothing store carries the style. But wait until you make one for yourself and it fits you properly – you will want to make more.




I make minimal alterations to this pattern because it already incorporates many of my normal alterations: high round in the back, a little more room at the hips and a longer length. The pattern also offers a no dart and a darted version for the front pattern piece. I usually make this tee without a dart but decided to use the darted front for this one. The fit is perfect, no wrinkles at the side bust area (where a dart should be). Not many ready-to-wear tees offer side bust darts for a better fit.


There are many ways to finish the neck edge of a knit tee. For stability and a nice clean edge, I drafted a 2-inch facing for the front and back pattern pieces. I used the fashion fabric and applied a light interfacing. To finish I topstitched 3/8-inch from the neck edge.


Happy Sewing, Kathy

Social Media: @KKsewing

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  • Aimee Groshans on

    Beautiful T-Shirt Kathy!

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