"Virgin Wool Cashmere Cardigan" by Kathy King

Dame Vivienne Westwood (unconventional British fashion designer, businesswoman, environmental activist) created this beautiful textile now available at Elliot Berman Textiles (@EBTfabrics). This is a gorgeous virgin wool and cashmere blend from Italy and is sold by the panel. Since I live in a warmer climate, I don’t have a lot of experience sewing with wool. No longer! This fabric was a dream to work with, is comfortable to wear and this print certainly makes a statement!



What to do with this gorgeous statement making panel? I considered a hooded cape with the phrase STOP CLIMATE CHANGE along the bottom hem. But this layout did not make the most of the print. I used View C of McCall’s 5932 and arranged the phrase to run vertically down the back center seam. Love it! This pattern is recommended for knits only, but as you can see this fabulous wool and cashmere blend drapes beautifully.

 McCall's 5932 Making a statement Collar turned up Contrasting upper collar



I lengthened the cardigan pattern to accommodate the length of the entire STOP CLIMATE CHANGE phrase. The pattern offers a 1-piece fold over collar. I converted this to 2 pieces so that I could use the generous solid gray selvedge for the upper collar (to stand out). I used the panel fabric for the under collar. For fun, and to use more of the gray selvedge highlighting Vivienne Westwood’s signature, I made a belt. I found this fabulous Bakelite belt buckle in a vintage clothing store in Santa Fe -- I think Dame V would approve of this upcycling.


For a beautiful collar roll, I always cut the undercollar in 2 pieces on the bias. I also interfaced the under collar and interfaced both sides of the belt.

Custom belt with Bakelite buckle. 

Sadly, Dame Vivienne Westwood passed away in December, 2022, but her impact on fashion and raising awareness of important issues will continue.          

Happy Sewing, Kathy

Social Media: @KKsewing


NEXT PROJECT: Winter Break!


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  • Karen DeYoung on

    This is a beautiful use of lovely fabric!

  • Joan Brown on

    Gorgeous use of fabric! Excellent job! I may have to buy the pattern. It’s a classic.

  • Sebnem Mcintyre on

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!

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